
Friday, January 18, 2013

History Journal 5

Journal # 5

After the initial voyages during the Age of Discovery by European adventurers/explorers, what were several of the main purposes for settling and moving permanently to the Americas? (Provide specific examples citing which Europeans settled where and why.)

After America was discovered everyone wanted to claim a piece of it. The portuguese colonized mostly brazil under the commandment of Cabral, while the spanish with the voyages leaded by Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro claimed the rest of south america and bits of north. Later came the france the netherlands and England, who played a significantly small role in the voyage and took most of north America. Jacques cartier claimed quebec and most of canada to France. The English settled in north america and on the other hand found other settlements on on west indian islands such as Jamaica. Netherlands dident play a major role in the voyages instead they were more interested in setting up trading routes, and they did and called it New Amsterdam in manhattan which is in now day New York. Europeans had many reasons to settle preminitle in in the Americas. Some of the reasons are, religious desires, expansion, and probably the most important gaining wealth. one example for religious desires are a religious group called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were persecuted in england and were considered as dissenters by the english church. They came to the americas in hopes to claim their religious rights and set up their own theocratic state in now day massachusetts. Expansion was another huge reason for europeans moving to the early Americas. America had tons of free space where cities could be built. The free space in the early americas allowed a lot of crops to be grown and caused a big increase in the agricultures of all arriving countries, an estimate of 10 to 24 million african slaves were brought to the americas to work on farms. Wealth was probably the biggest factor why people would want to stay in the states. Governments wanted to move to the Americas to gain wealth; for example after columbus explored central america he brought back gold as evidence to Spain so that they would support voyages to the Americas. Because spain supported the voyages spain gained a lot of wealth. The government weren't the only ones who would gain wealth from the Americas. As we know every city needs banks, shops and a parliament. All of these places offered a big variety of jobs and opportunities to people who had nothing in the past, for example a person who in the past life in europe was a shoe cleaner could easily become a politic or a banker in a newly built city in the americas. As you can see people had lots of reasons to stay in the Americas starting with religious desires, expansion, or simply wealth.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 Element of Photo Composition

Basic Camera & Light Painting

7 Element of Photo Composition
Fall Trip: Photo & Summary
Basic Camera & Light Painting
Master Photographers - General
October Break Location Poster 1
Middle School Poster - Pirates of Penzance
Master Photographers - Portraits
Teacher Portraits - Teacher / Andy Warhol

Teacher Portraits - Teacher / Andy Warhol

Master Photographers - Portraits

Middle School Poster - Pirates of Penzance

October Break Location Poster 1

Master Photographers - General

Fall Trip: Photo & Summary

                                                                  color contrast
the reason I picked this picture is because i liked how the light gold color goes together with the dark red and the grey background. i also liked how the point of view for this picture is from the side which makes the picture look 3D.i like that the picture has bright contrast colors in the middle and dark grey colors in the background because that makes it less distracting.
                                                                   Leading Looks
the reason i choose this photo is because i really liked that the photo had simple colors in it. i also liked that the statue is very old and it seems to have its own history. i like that the statue looks very realistic which makes the leading looks way more realistic.
                                                             Point of View
The reason i picked this photo is because i liked how the focuse  is on the button of the sticks. i really liked that the grayish color is being lighted by the light that is coming in from the right side which makes you focus more on the right .I found this picture unique because the point of view is from the button and has a lot of detail because of that.

                                                                      Group Photo
the reason I picked this photo is because i found that this picture looks very alive. I liked that the light is coming from the right side gives the photo more contrast. I think that this picture also has a lot of detail and color to it which is also the reason i picked it.

7 Element of Photo Composition